Regex Search

Use regular expressions (regex) to search for specific patterns rather than a set of words. You can match files that begin or end with your search parameter. A search like this "[0-9]{4}" will return files that have a 4 numbers together in the filename.

Regex examples:

  • [bc]at Match the characters 'b or c' and charcters 'at' for example 'bat' or 'cat'
  • [^bc]at When using a ^ inside brackets it means not including so this example would match 'pat', but not 'bat' or 'cat'
  • [0-9]{4} A group of 4 numbers, change the number in the curly brackets to change how many numbers.
  • [a-z]{4} A group of 4 characters, change the number in the curly brackets to change how many characters.
  • b.t Search for the character 'b' the dot equals a single character then 't' so would return 'bat' or 'bot'. To return 'beet' you would use b..t
  • ^dog the ^ means files starting with so "dog park" but not "bath dog".
  • \.pdf$ the \ means files ending with so "pdf" the $ means that this must be the end of the filename. Otherwise 'doc.pdf.txt' would match.
  • (cat|dog) Matches either word

FileBrowser isn't limited to just these examples. You can use the full list of regex searches.

Searches are not case sensitive.

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