Custom Task - Trim PDF Pages

Remove a custom number of pages from PDFs from the start or end of the document in bulk with Custom Tasks.

  • Tap the Sync Tasks location on your home screen.
  • Then tap the "+" icon in the bottom toolbar and select "Create Custom Task".
  • Give your task a name like "Trim PDF"

This will run the task on the files and folders selected from within FileBrowser.

Use files from:

Change the top dropdown to "Selection when task is run"

Then tap "Insert Step"

Remove the last 2 pages from PDFs.

In the new section, change the top dropdown to "Trim PDF pages"

Change the second dropdown to "remove"

Type in the input the number of pages you want to remove from the end of the document.

Change the last dropdown to "pages from end"

Run task:

Leave it as "Manual".

Tap "Close"

To run this Task simply select multiple PDFs and use the toolbar actions menu and select "Run Custom Task", selecting your new "Trim PDF" task.

Upgrade to Unlock this Feature

This is a Premium Feature and requires FileBrowser Professional or FileBrowserGO. If you already own FileBrowser, click the App Store link below and purchase the FileBrowser Professional bundle at a discounted cost.

Download FileBrowser Professional with discount