FileBrowserGO Reviews



4.7 ( 3691 ratings )
Price: $0
FileBrowserGO - Awesome App!
It’s fantastic. Very reliable, very fast. At the file management level it’s the best, by far. It is also the only file management app I know, that allows access to AirPort Time Capsule and AirPort Extreme files from within the standard Files app of iOS and iPadOS. Support is also excellent. The app is constantly being updated.

FileBrowserGO - Awesome App!
5/ 5stars
FileBrowserGO - Fantastic Product
Challenge: my old WD iCloud storage device became obsolete due to being discontinued.. Did not want to spend the $$ to upgrade to the latest device.. Instead decided to use an old USB storage device I had and connected it to the router to store files that we could all share (photos, docs, videos etc) from our Apple devices. Router supported SMB but challenge was getting the iPad to recognise USB storage via SMB.. “big fail” .. I’m sure it was user error... Success: After trawling App Store for hours stumbled across FileBrowserGo, amazingly simple to configure, in less than a couple of minutes had it accessing my USB storage and we were viewing/uploading all our photos etc in a single location via our individual Apple devices.. Made my day, such small things 8-).

FileBrowserGO - Fantastic Product
5/ 5stars
FileBrowserGO - All I Want... Nothing I Don’t
I only wanted to view and /or share photos on my studio computer when I’m with a client, and am working with an iPhone or iPad. Don’t need to control the desktop, just be able to scroll through my files. I know FBGo does more, but this was an incredible value for the speed, interface and service this app offers, even for the one feature I’m using it for. Works seamlessly with their recommended VPN service, ZeroTier.

FileBrowserGO - All I Want... Nothing I Don’t
5/ 5stars
FileBrowserGO - Best File Manager Ever!!!
Most efficient design of all file managers! Tab layout allows for fast file copy and move operations by having both source and destination folders open at same time. Lets you go back and forth between multiple locations easily. Move feature is extremely helpful to limit duplicate files everywhere! Also alerts when there's duplicated filenames so you don't overwrite. Gives option to automatically rename! Simply way, way ahead of anything else and I've tried them all!

FileBrowserGO - Best File Manager Ever!!!
5/ 5stars
FileBrowserGO - The Best App Ever
This is the best app I have ever used on my iPhone. Its features are limitless, never crash. The tab feature allows the connected cloud storages keep separately. We can even play videos continuously same like audio playlist. Photo slideshow is awesome!

FileBrowserGO - The Best App Ever
5/ 5stars
FileBrowserGO - This App is Incredible
I've never seen such use of an app like this before, this is honestly an amazing idea. The price point is so good too, I’ll definitely be subscribing

FileBrowserGO - This App is Incredible
5/ 5stars
FileBrowserGO - Amazing App
I don’t think I’ve ever seen another app that provides as much value as this does for the tiny sum you have to pay. I can’t believe I never knew about it all these years. This would have helped me so much in the past if I had known about it.

FileBrowserGO - Amazing App
5/ 5stars
FileBrowserGO - Best File Manager for iPadOS
Easy access to cloud storages, USB drives, drag and drop support, Sync and backup options for remote folders, oh my. Superb file manager to use with an iPad. Keep up the good work!

FileBrowserGO - Best File Manager for iPadOS
5/ 5stars
FileBrowserGO - Simply A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!
It's simply amazing! I'm in love with it! - USER-FRIENDLY layout. - Any STORAGE(remote and local) that you can think of, is integrated. - FEATURES nicely put together without over-whelming the user. If I could summarize the FileBrowserGo app in one word, it would be: A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!

FileBrowserGO - Simply A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!
5/ 5stars
FileBrowserGO - Excellent Utility
The absolute best network connectivity piece of software I have found to connect my iPad to my Drobox, that is on my Windows based network. This is the sort of software that should be included in any operating system for connecting across dissimilar systems.

FileBrowserGO - Excellent Utility
5/ 5stars
FileBrowserGO - Fantastic
I have over 10,000 photos on a home network file server and just wanted a program I could point to a folder and have it find all the photos and photos in sub folders and display them as a slide show on my iPad. Works perfectly! I’m enjoying my photos for the first time on my iPad as a digital picture frame. Also let’s me delete photos from the file server right from my iPad. Fantastic app!

FileBrowserGO - Fantastic
5/ 5stars
FileBrowserGO - Perfect
This app turns your iPad into a computer. A full Finder-like experience. Add in the Zero Tier One and basically you have the most amazing local private networking accessible anywhere in the world. Genius. (People who are complaining about subscribing for this I cannot understand. It is not expensive and does so so so much.)

FileBrowserGO - Perfect
5/ 5stars