Review - FileBrowser is by far the best file manager app I have used on my iPad and iPhone.

FileBrowser - Without a Doubt One of my Most Used Apps on iOS

Sat, 26 Mar 2022 11:20:59 GMT
mojodjojo - AppStore Indonesia
5 Stars - FileBrowser - Without a Doubt One of my Most Used Apps on iOS

This app is by far the best file manager app I have used on my iPad and iPhone. The connectivity options are limitless. You can easily access shared folders on your desktop and seamlessly transfer files between your iPad and PC. This app also handles USD drives much better than the native files app from iOS. Navigation is simple and straightforward. This app is also integrated with other commonly used apps to edit files directly within the app.

FileBrowser is available for download on the iOS AppStore.

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FileBrowser the most efficient and effective browser made for iOS devices. It handles local, cloud, and NAS file systems effortlessly.
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