Review - FileBrowser Professional has continued to be well supported and the latest interface changes and new features mean that it

FileBrowser Professional - Keeps Getting Better and Better

Thu, 25 Jun 2020
Jomha - Apple App Store

5 Stars - FileBrowser Professional - Keeps Getting Better and Better

So many Apps prompt you to write reviews - this one doesn't! But despite always being brilliant, the developers continue to add more and more features making it better and better! Recent interface changes are so outstanding that I just felt I had to write a review! It's been one of my favourite and most used Apps since I became an iOS (iPad 1) user. It offered much of the functionality of Apple's File's App long before that appeared and without FileBrowser (FB), I could never have have used an IPad for real work. With FB, I can easily read and write my files on my NAS filesystem (using Samba) which is where I prefer to keep all my stuff, and access files on other systems. When Apple made Files available, I thought FileBrowser might go the way of so many Apps. But it has continued to be well supported and the latest interface changes and new features mean that it's superiority over Files has grown. In fact FileBrowser complements Files and makes it much more useable. My thanks to the FileBrowser developer team - keep up your great work!

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With its 20 different connection types, FileBrowser Professional integrates all your network and cloud storage into one app
Crast -
FileBrowser Professional maximizes the potential you can do with files on iOS
FileBrowser Professional is everything that's missing plus a whole lot more when it comes to accessing files on servers, and doing all the basics like copying/moving files, up/downloading, editing text files, creating text files and folders
David_D_RI - Apple App Store US
FileBrowser Professional - An Absolute Must for iPad Pro / Business Users