Follow our simple step by step guide to connect to and browse your Windows 10 PC using your Apple TV with the FilebrowserTV app.
In FileBrowserTV follow these steps:
When FileBrowserTV loads it will start a scan of your local network for all computers and network drives.
Enter your Username and Password for your Windows 10 Computer into FileBrowserTV and tap 'Connect'.
If you dont know your Username see our steps below.
If Scan does not find your Windows machine see our steps below.
If you get a "Connection Refused" error, see how to enable File Sharing.
If you are connected but cant see any folders see our steps below.
In FileBrowserTV follow these steps:
If you dont know your Username see our steps below.
If you are connected but cant see any folders see our steps below.
If you get a "Connection Refused" error, see how to enable File Sharing.
Follow our simple step by step guide on how to enable File Sharing in Windows and browse its files from your Apple TV.
Windows 10 File Sharing may not be enabled, especially if you don't have other computers on your network or this is the first time you have tried to access shared folders over your network.
Use the following steps to enable File Sharing on Windows 10.
Press the Windows key and type 'Settings" select the Settings App from the listing.
Click "Network and Internet"
Click 'Status' on the left hand side. Then click Properties under your Ethernet or Wifi adapter.
In the new dialog:
Select "Turn on network discovery".
Select "Turn on file and printer sharing".
Under All Networks, Select "Turn on password protected sharing".
We recommend using password protected sharing, but if you want people with no username or password to be able to access your files (only those files marked for 'Everyone' access), then set password protected sharing to "off".
The user name and password you enter into FileBrowserTV is your Windows account name. This might be a hotmail or other Microsoft email address, or it could be your first name.
Click to see our guide on how to find your Username in Windows 10.
Now you have enabled file sharing, in FileBrowserTV click your Machine to attempt to connect again.
If you are connected but cant see any folders see our steps below.
If FileBrowserTV is repeately asking for your username and password please check your Windows account using the following steps.
To find your user name in Windows 10, use the following steps:
Press the Windows key and type 'Control" select the Control Panel App from the listing.
Click 'Change account type' under User Accounts.
* If your Control Panel looks different, change its 'View by:' in the top right corner to 'Category'
The user account you are currently logged in as is highlighted in blue.
Compare your user account to those below:
Option A - You have a Microsoft enabled account. The email address listed will be your Username in FileBrowserTV.
Option B / C - You have a local Windows account. The username in the large font at the top will be your Username in FileBrowserTV.
In FileBrowserTV perform the following steps:
From the home screen, find your Windows 10 connection and tap the 3 dots icon.
Then tap 'Edit...'
Enter your Username into FileBrowserTV's Username field - This is case sensitive
Enter your Password.
Option A - Your password will be your Microsoft account password.
Option B - Your password will be the password you use to login to Windows.
Option C - You have a local Windows account with no password.
FileBrowserTV will not be able to connect to an account with no password, see below for instructions on how to set a password.
PIN CODE: You cannot use your Windows 10 login pin code to connect filebrowserTV, a full password is required.
If the account you have chosen does not say 'Password protected' under it, then it has no password.
Having a password will mean that you will need to enter it each time you boot your Windows PC.
Follow the steps below to set a password:
Click the account you wish to set a password on.
Then click 'Create a password' in the left hand pane.
Type your password and retype it to confirm, then click 'Create Password'.
Then return to step 4.
At work, you will probably connect to a machine in a Windows Domain. You will need to prepend the user name with a domain name like this: domain\username.
Note that you need to use a single back-slash character between the domain and user names.
Windows 10 sometimes changes the local login password but not the network access password when a user modifies their password. The following Windows 10 steps should get you back in sync again:
Launch the Settings app and click on Accounts.
In the "Your Info" section click "Sign in with a local account instead" and create a new local account. This will log you out when complete.
Log back in using the new local account and repeat the steps but click "Sign in with a Microsoft account instead".
Use your Microsoft email address & password in FileBrowserTV to connect.