Rate your photos with XMP on your iPad ready for Lightroom

Star rate Photos with XMP on iOS

Easily Rate your Photos with XMP Ready for Adobe Lightroom with your iPad/iPhone

Using ratings is key to an efficient and professional Lightroom workflow. You can award ratings from zero to five stars. With FileBrowser Professional you can extend this workflow to your iPad/iPhone. After rating your photos the information is written to your existing XMP files or new XMP files are created. Save time and rate your photos before getting back to the studio with the FileBrowser Professional app.

Connect to your Mac with FileBrowser Professional
Connect to your Network Drive machine with your iPad
Connect to your Wireless SD Cards with your iPad
Connect to your Mac with FileBrowser Professional
Connect to Windows with FileBrowser Professional
Connect to your Servers with your iPad
Connect to your cloud storage with your iPad

Browse and rate your photos using the many connections provided by FileBrowser Professional. For rapid local storage, update your photos and XMP files on a USB Drive, SD Card, or portable WiFi Drive.

See a full list of FileBrowser Professional's Connections.

Once you return to the studio upload your photos and then use Adobe Lightroom to filter your day's shoot based on your ratings.

Rate photos in Adobe Lightroom

All information edited in FileBrowser Professional is compatible with Adobe products such as Bridge and Lightroom.

Please note Adobe Lightroom only processes XMP information for RAW photo file formats, not JPGs.
Show me how to Rate photos in FileBrowser Professional
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