Sync documents to your iPad

Sync Files to your iPad / iPhone from your Computer or Cloud Storage

Create automatic sync tasks and always have the latest files at your fingertips

Easily sync files or folders to your iPad or iPhone from cloud or your computer, so you always have the latest file, no matter what device you are on with FileBrowser Pro FileBrowserGo or Enterprise Files.

Keep your sales teams up to date with the latest brochures and price sheets. Comply with HR and safety policies by automatically distributing documents. Enforce these policies via your MDM system.

How to Create Sync Tasks on your iPad or iPhone

Always have your documents, photos, music, or video files available to your offline or online. Sync entire folders or individual files from your cloud storage or your computer to your iPad / iPhone.

  • Choose which files or folders you want to Sync.
  • View and Edit local copies when offline.

To Sync a document folder on iPhone or iPad follow these steps:

Choose a Folder to Sync

How Often would you like to Sync this Folder?

  • Set your Sync Frequency to how often you want the Sync Task to update your local files. Ensure that Auto Background Sync is turned on for this.
  • Tap "Confirm".
  • This folder will download its contents to your iPad under the new heading 'Sync Files'.

You may create as many Sync Tasks for folders or individual documents to your iPhone / iPad as you wish.

Folder sync locations may be configured and deployed via MDM. Requires FileBrowser Professional or EnterpriseFiles.

2-Way Sync

Set up a 2-way file sync task so your synced iPad documents can also be edited while offline and the changes synced back to the cloud or computer when you next connect via wifi.

Available in FileBrowserGO, FileBrowser Professional and Enterprise Files.

Estimated Time: 1 minutes
Sync Folders to your iPad without iTunes or iCloud
Sync Folders to your iPhone / iPad

Create Sync tasks to copy documents to your iPhone from your Cloud Storage or Computer

Sync Documents to your iOS Device
backup files to any location using your iPad
Backup Your iPhone Photos

Create Backup tasks to back up your iPhone Photos to your Cloud Storage or Computer

Backup iPhone Photos
Try our Custom Task Builder
Custom Tasks

Create your own Custom Tasks with our Custom Task Builder

Custom Task Builder

Syncing Files to iOS Devices FAQ

  • Can I sync files and or folders to my iPhone / iPad without using iCloud?

    iOS only offers syncing files via Apple iCloud, you can however sync files from most cloud storage providers, your computer or file servers with the FileBrowserGO, FileBrowser Professional or EnterpriseFiles apps available from the appstore.

  • Can I sync files from a company server to my iPad / iPhone?

    Yes, with FileBrowser Professional or Enterprise Files simply create a Sync Task select a folder or document on a company server to sync to your iPad. You can also deploy sync tasks to all your iOS devices via an MDM.

  • Can I sync files from any cloud storage to my iPad / iPhone?

    Yes using FileBrowserGO, FileBrowser Professional or Enterprise Files you can sync files from most cloud providers GoogleDrive, Box, Dropbox, OneDrive for Business and Sharepoint to name a few. The iOS Files app can only sync from Apple iCloud.

  • How do I sync Documents to my iPad?

    iOS only allows you to sync documents from Apple iCloud. If you want to sync from other cloud providers or your computer then FileBrowserGO, FileBrowser Professional or Enterprise Files will allow you to sync folders from any location to your iPad. Either as a 1 way or 2 way syncs.

  • Can I create two way or bi-directional file syncs to my iPhone or iPad?

    Yes, you can sync files to your iPad from any cloud or network location and if you check the bi-directional sync option any edits you make to your local documents will also be synced back to your remote location. This is only possible with FileBrowserGO, FileBrowser Professional and Enterprise Files.

  • Can I change how often I would like my iPad / iPhone File Sync to update?

    Yes when creating a Sync Task in FileBrowser Professional simply change the frequency to how often you want your sync to run. This can be 1, 4, 8, 12 or 24hrs.

  • Can a file Sync Task be deployed via a company MDM to my iOS device?

    Yes with FileBrowser Professional or Enterprise FIles you can create file Sync Tasks and deploy them to your company iOS devices via your MDM system. This can be great for global HR documents or department specific documents.