Download the FileBrowser Professional Discounted Bundle

FileBrowser Professional Bundle

Upgrade to FileBrowser Professional with our Bundle and enjoy all of its premium features.

If you already own FileBrowser, use the App Store 'Complete my Bundle' feature to add FileBrowser Professional and just pay the difference.

Download FileBrowser Professional with discount
FileBrowser Professional's advanced search

Advanced Search

Search for filenames that contain strings and exclude strings, you can also restrict your searches further by file types, custom date ranges and file size.

Regex Search

Use regular expressions to find your files or folders, search for patterns of characters or numbers in sequence.

Save and Load Searches

After you have created your complex searches save them to re-run again another folder later.

Scan Documents to PDF files with your iPad

Pro PDF Tools

Merge PDFs

Select several PDFs and merge them into one file.

Export Images as PDFs

Create a PDF by selecting multiple images or other PDFs. With lots of options such as page layout, number of images per page and filenames under your images. Great for photo contact sheets.

Document Scanner

Scan receipts, agreements or notes and combine them into PDFs. Scan multiple documents and save them as a single PDF. Includes auto document detection.

Create Multi page PDFs by selecting multiple images on your iPad or iPhone
Tag photos on your iPad with XMP

Rate Photos with XMP

Rate or reject photos using XMP files. Works great with Adobe Lightroom, ideal for professional photographers. How to use XMP tagging

Rename Photos from EXIF Properties

Bulk rename your photos using their EXIF properties such as Make, Model, FNumber, ISO or dates in any format and many more.

Gallery View

An alternate folder view with a large previews. Great for images and you can also scroll your documents and PDFs in this view without opening the files.

Gallery view an alternative folder view with large previews

Access Additional Locations

Browse these additional storage connections as well as the standard set within FileBrowser:

Connect to Microsoft Azure with FileBrowser Professional

Microsoft Azure

Organisations of all sizes can connect to OneDrive for Business, Microsoft Azure and SharePoint Servers.

Integrates with Office365
Professional File Security on your iPad

Professional Security

SMB3 Connections

Access your servers and computers with the latest and most secure version of SMB available.

Import your FileBrowser settings

Import your configuration

Import your existing settings file from FileBrowser and be up and running in minutes.

Our helpful guide can also show you how to import your documents into FileBrowser Professional.
How to Import your configuration.

Create Sync Tasks on your iPad/iPhone

Create Sync Tasks

Sync files or folders from your PC, Mac or cloud storage to your iPad / iPhone.

Two-way Sync

Create, modify, rename, delete files and folders in a local Sync Files location and the changes will sync back to the server when you are next online.

How to create Sync Tasks
Create Backup Tasks on your iPad/iPhone

Create Backup Tasks

Backup folders or files from your iPad or iPhone to anywhere.

Remote to Remote Backup

Backup from one remote location to another such as Dropbox to OneDrive or from a Windows Server to Cloud.

How to create Backup Tasks
Create File Oriented workflows and run them from your iPad/iPhone

Custom Tasks

Create file-oriented workflow tasks to speed up your daily tasks.

Create a task to run in the current folder, a specific folder or on selected files. From here you can build your tasks using our step by step builder. For example:

  • Monitor folder for docx files updated in the last 24hrs and copy to a new folder.
  • Search a folder for PDFs and merge them into a single file and copy them to a new location.
  • Find PDFs that have the word "invoice" and remove pages from them.
  • Create a set of nested folders with preset names in the current folder.

Tasks may be run at any time or scheduled.

Custom task provides many powerful and flexible ways to organize your files.

Add EXIF properties to filenames with a Custom Task workflow using your iOS device

Manage FileBrowser Professinal via MDM

Centrally manage settings and server connections.

FileBrowser Professional can be deployed via a Mobile Device Management system that supports app configuration, with centralised control of FileBrowser's settings that allow new configurations to be pushed out at any time.

The app can also be configured to comply with your corporate security policies. Great for large businesses or corportation roll out.

Tell me more about MDM and Configuration
Manage File Access across all your iPads using an MDM
Create and scan QR codes for folder locations

QR code Scanning

Create QR Codes that link to folder locations, simply scan your QR Codes to navigate to your folders. QRCode Scanning

Scan bar codes to navigate to folders

Bar code Scanning

Scan barcodes to find specific folders or files. Use with your ERP system. Barcode Scanning

Set up your iPad in Kiosk mode for conventions or shop floors

Kiosk Mode

Your corporate brochures, PDFs, Images and Videos are ready at your customers' or employees' fingertips. Use FileBrowser Professional at conventions, trade shows, shop floors or public spaces with protected, read-only access to content.